I’ll help you uncover your unique style and give you the tools to unapologetically rock it.

“Rachel had a really good way about helping me find fit and style without ever judging my body in any way… nothing was ever ruled out or forced onto me because of how my body is right now…”

- Emily G

“I feel more confident in general walking around in the clothes I have now. I get so many compliments, too… Rachel has such a no-judgement attitude and I felt comfortable because of it. She will make your wardrobe uniquely yours…”

- Siovean L.

See what my clients say

You want a wardrobe that screams “THIS IS ME and I don’t care who knows it!”

But in reality, you definitely care who knows it. You worry that “me” is not enough, and you’re scared of what other people might think if you decide to show your true personality. You hide behind trendy clothing because it’s easier than standing out, but you feel more frustrated with your wardrobe by the day.