I’m a personal stylist whose mission is to empower people to shamelessly express their individuality. I believe disregarding trends, breaking rules, and embracing uniqueness are the keys to a 1-of-a-kind wardrobe. My styling method combines self-exploration with wardrobe creation to help you boldly and unapologetically express yourself.

I’m a double certified personal stylist from School of Style and Style Boss Academy. I received an AA in Apparel Industry Management from the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in Los Angeles. I completed an internship with College Fashionista, where I contributed one blog post per month about the fashion on my college campus. I also published a personal fashion blog titled On The Edge of Style, where I wrote about ways to infuse alternative style into a traditional office setting.

It may surprise you, but I know my styling method works because I was my first client.

I spent a lot of years thinking the real Rachel was too weird to see the light of day. I was constantly pre-occupied with comparing myself to others and trying to guess what they were thinking about me. The thought of showing even a sliver of my personality felt terrifying! What if someone didn’t like it? External validation had a tight hold on my self-worth.

Buying new stuff became a coping mechanism. But after the newness wore off, my feelings of unworthiness would return. I’d find another trend to buy into and another person to compare myself with. All I was gaining was credit card debt and two walk-ins overflowing with clothes I didn’t like.

I had to make a change. Since I was so good at shopping, I started doing that with more connection to what I was buying. I developed an unapologetic personal style that has helped me continue to heal my relationship with myself, other people, and clothing.

Today, I can honestly say I’m comfortable expressing my truest personality. I’m no longer worried about what other people might be thinking or if they’re “better” than me. I live my life on my terms, not by someone else’s rules or expectations.

Book Time With Rachel

Not sure where to begin with expressing your individuality through style?
Book a free consultation call to figure out where to start your journey!